Top 10 Movies Of The Decade


It Follows was a low budget horror movie that never felt low budget. It’s very creepy and intense. Most important, it’s unlike other horror movies that came before it. It holds up really well in repeat viewings too.


Wolverine is one of my favorite comic book heroes, yet I was left disappointed by all his solo films. Then they upped their game, brought in an R rating, and set it in the future. This movie is so unique to other superhero movies, and done so well. It was a great goodbye to the character as we know him. Hugh Jackman was the perfect Wolverine, and I doubt Marvel will ever be able to top this casting.


The horror movie version of Groundhog Day. Jessica Routhe is an absolute joy to watch…I hope she has a great career. An all-around fun movie watching experience that has great rewatchability.


It’s been a while since I loved a Quentin Tarantino movie, but this one broke that trend. This film was so perfect right down to every last detail, including the food in the cupboard. I’m okay with the revisionist history storytelling, but I am a but disgruntled with how they he portrayed Bruce Lee, even though that scene was funny.


I grew up in the Bill & Ted era, so I’ve been a Keanu fan for a long time. I don’t even want to tell you about the time my friends caught me crying during Keanu’s speech in Hardball. I didn’t think that Keanu could top the cool factor of Neo, but he did just that as John Wick. A great revenge flick I’ve watched over and over.


If you read my post ranking all the MCU movies (read that HERE), it shouldn’t come as a surprise to see this here. “The Snap” will go down in history as one of the most iconic moments in film, but this movie had a lot more than just a snap. Infinity War hit every angle in the emotional spectrum and perfectly tied together 10 years of movies. It’s an incredible feat just to accomplish this, even more so that it was done this well.


This movie blew me away with it’s non-stop action and left me gasping on the edge of my seat. I will never forget the trucks with drummers and a guitarist on them. Just plain awesome.


Before this movie came out, Memento was one of my favorite movies of all time. I was a bona fide Nolan fan, and was worried about for his career when I learned about the massive budget for this film. Could an original movie make that much money? Then I saw the trailer, and all the worry faded away. The film itself blew me away, and it blew the rest of the audience away too, which meant Nolan’s career outside Batman movies would be just fine.


Maybe you don’t want to see two John Wick movies on a list, but I don’t care. This movie took what the first two established to a whole other level. One after another, the action scenes were some of the best I’ve ever seen. The knife store scene, the dog scene, the horse scene, the library scene…every single fight! I can’t even choose a favorite. Beyond that, in between the action scenes, they built out the world and mythology John Wick lives in. Deep and interesting, I was never just waiting for the next kill scene. The first Matrix is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I’m not a hater of the follow-ups, but if you ask me which part 4 I’m looking forward to more, I’d have to go with John Wick.


Not only is this the best movie of the decade, it’s in my top 20 movies of all time, and my second favorite horror movie ever. At the time I saw this, I was craving something unique in the genre, and this movie gave it to me and then some. If somehow this movie escaped you and you haven’t seen it, watch it tonight!


It was tough deciding between It Follows and Thor Ragnarok for that #10 spot, but ultimately, Thor landed at #11…Even though the sequel soured the franchise, the original Kick-Ass still kicks ass…Interstellar is an amazing movie that’ll stay with you a while…The Accountant was an unexpected surprise for me…I like the Beatles, but wouldn’t call myself a super-fan. That’s why I can’t believe how much I liked YesterdayReady or Not is another unique and original horror movie you need to see…The best Spider-Man movie ever? Into the Spider-Verse. There, I said it…The Final Girls was like if they made a horror version of Pleasantville. Definitely a fun movie, and one you may not have seen. Do not confuse it with The Final Girl (singular).

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