Crisis On Infinite Earths Parts 4 & 5

Catch up on Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE, and Part 3 HERE.

Crisis is finally over and it was the greatest crossover in Arrowverse history. My only complaint was the one month break between part 3 and 4. I get why they did it, but if you look at the ratings, I think it was a failed idea. Part 3 had a 1.7 and part 4 dropped to a 1.4. Hell, I didn’t even know they aired until the day after when a spoiler headline hit my Google News feed. These shows are all about momentum, and a month long break is a huge momentum killer.

Speaking of spoilers, consider everything below the Crisis picture a spoiler.

The previously mentioned spoiler was the surprise appearance of Ezra Miller’s Flash from the movies. That was huge, and a great scene. Loved how they admired each other’s suits! Was it the best alternate version of a hero? No. It was the 4th best. Did you say you wanted a Top 5 List?

  • 5. Tom Welling’s Clark Kent
  • 4. Ezra Miller’s Flash
  • 3. John Wesley Shipp’s Flash
  • 2. Kevin Conroy’s Batman
  • 1. Brandon Routh’s Superman

The emotional impact of Oliver Queen’s death was a bit muted since we just went through that in part 1, but his arc in the crossover was great. A fitting end for the character. I like to think he’s still out there somewhere being the Spectre. Not sure what they’ll do with two more episodes of Arrow. I know one will be all in the future, but that still leaves one in present day without the lead. Or does he make a Spectre appearance? Who knows, but I’m stoked to see what became of Earth 2’s Laurel Lance!

This whole Crisis crossover has really just made me sad for Brandon Routh’s departure from Legends. He’s such a great character, actor, and all-around likable guy. I’m going to miss him! Do they simply just replace him with Ryan Choi? I wouldn’t mind that at all, but the issue has always been Legends having to write in reasons for him not to wear the suit, so maybe staying away from this character all together would be a good idea. I also don’t see Ryan Choi ever leaving his family/baby to hop on the Waverider.

We ended the crossover with the Hall of Justice! I loved seeing this. Puts a damper on my Justice League Arrowverse show featuring secondary characters idea though. Give that one a read HERE.

I am left with one odd question. If all the cities the superheroes live in are all on one earth now, what about the other cities and towns from the other earths? Is James Olsen’s town still out there somewhere, or is he gone forever?

With Crisis wrapped up, we now have all our CW Arroverse heroes sharing the same earth. Can’t wait to see how this all works and all the little things that are different going forward for each show! Should breathe a breath of fresh air into some of them.

Overall, Crisis was awesome. I liked most of their choices, the story was compelling, the cameos were exciting, and I’m left on the edge of my seat for future episodes of all these shows…except Batwoman. I may just stop watching that one now that Crisis is over. I’m easily pleased, even more so when it comes to superheroes, but Batwoman is just downright boring.

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